Seasonal eating and being more mindful and intuitive of what we eat and when and how we eat are easy ways to stay in great health and great shape. The season of Winter is all about eating foods that are heartier because they keep the body warm and also strengthen the immune system. Foods that are raw or cold should be avoided including having drinks with ice in them as they bring down the body temperature. Warm hearty soups, whole grains, stews are great for this time of year especially with roasted nuts and seeds. Winter energetically vibrates with the kidney and bladder meridians, so we will be working with those meridians in our Yoga sessions. Key foods to strengthen the kidney and bladder are:
Veg: asparagus, beetroot, black bean and beans in general, brussels sprout, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, Jerusalem artichokes, kale, kidney bean, leek, mung bean and its sprout, onion family ( garlic, onion, scallions, chives, leeks) parsnip, potato, red cabbage, string bean, turnip, walnut.
Good grains are: barley, millet, rye, oats, quinoa and amaranth.
Good herbs and spices are: cloves, fenugreek seeds, anise seeds, black peppercorn, cinnamon, fennel seeds, ginger and parsley
Other great foods for this time of year are: watercress, endive, escarole, alfalfa, tofu, water chestnut, wheat germ, seaweeds, black sesame seed,
We love Paul Pichford's Healing with Whole Foods ( Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition) which explains about the seasonal changes and also the health benefits of each food. For inspiration we love the flexitarianfor inspiration and recipe ideas. Que aproveche! Bon Appetit ! Eat to good health !!